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In which case, there's nothing else to be done. The HO are unlikely to notify you of any action they have taken.rockstar06 wrote:Thank you casablanca but that is the form along with additional information I senth to the Manchester curtailment team about 6 weeks ago
With the new rules regarding Right To Rent, she would have been unable to put your name on a tenancy agreement without your original passport being verified by the Landlord.now the issue is she would have put my name on any tenacy agreement and council tax also utility bills..and it is possible my signature was falsified (it is easy..mine that is)..
Yes, HO does contact employers if the application raises issues and concerns, which hers almost certainly will.as far as payslips go are my employers contacted
She would have needed a substantial amount of money, held in a bank account for at least 6 months and likely be able to prove the origin of the funds.and if she borrowed a lot of money from parents would that cut out the need for bank statements..
HO are very quick to pick on false payslips and bank statements. There are certain requirement that they have to meet and certain information they must contain.also what if the payslips were falsified
Possibly, but she will have needed your passport for her application.does she have to send in a passport picture of me as I know there was an old one lying about somewhere