by Haniosman » Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:43 pm
Hey Everyone, i’ve Applied for the FLR ( DL )
Applied : 5th December 2017
Letter of aknowlegdement : February
14th February 2018 asking for £993 to be considered for further leave to remain as I am not eligible for settlement as i’ve not held a valid leave to remain in the UK since 2013
- The last year has been wasted on making wrong applications, and previous years I was only a child, I had no idea about these applications. Now I am 19 Years old.
Fee sent: 16 February 2018
Immigration health surcharge fee: 16 February
Granted or refused ? ( waiting )
Biomentrics ? ( waiting )
Its not nearly 4 months into the application process time.
Wish me luck. Hopefully they will grant me soon.