Hi everyone,
I would appreciate your comments on the matter below.
Categorically, ECAA Turkish Worker visa does not lead to settlement different than ECAA Businessperson or any other work visa. However, I believe this has now changed or should be changed.
The judge of the Aydogdu v Home Office*** case stated that there is no evidence of why settlement applications from both Turkish workers and businesspeople should be based on different rules.
Also, in the same case, both the judge in his "conclusions" and the representative of the Home Office, Ms Rhee QC, agreed on that the settlement applications of Turkish nationals who exercise their rights derived from Ankara Agreement should be assessed under the Immigration Rules.
It is now known that the Home Office (still) grants settlement status to ECAA Turkish Businessperson visa holders once they have completed four and/or five years under that visa.
Based on the facts above, should the ECAA Turkish Worker visa holders enjoy the same rights with the ECAA Businessperson visa holders and receive settlement status after spending four or five years under the Worker visa?
***Aydogdu Case (R (on the application of Aydogdu) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] UKUT 00167 (IAC))
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