... tBErQwP8Mv
Hi all – Please send these words via email, letter, social media to everyone and politiciuans/news.
Also – here is a link to the petition: ... 2tKekrlMXL
Dear Reader
By hindering prospective NHS medical practitioners to provide primary/secondary healthcare, the public’s wellbeing and health is being sacrificed by the UK Government. Regardless of one's opinions on Brexit, the Government’s policy decisions on immigration and the NHS are posing a major risk to the health of society and the future of UK businesses. We are at a crucial juncture as skilled, overseas Doctors and General Dentists, those required to support a stricken NHS are being turned away.
Since December 2017, businesses (and inevitably taxpayers) have had to fund the 261.9% increase in salary required for front-line overseas NHS medical practitioners to enter and deliver core primary/secondary health services. For the first time in years the immigration cap has been met. Moreover, for the first time in history the cap has been met for five months in a row. Those required to provide crucial work at the time they are needed the most to meet basic, societal health requirements are prohibited from entering the health system
Action is required in order for businesses to survive and the economy to feel the benefits from professionally skilled high-earners. Of greater importance is that these skilled workers are required to ensure adequate health care is provided, thus:
- Those jobs falling under ‘shortage occupation’ have to be considered out with the annual allocation of Restricted (Tier-2 Non-EU/Overseas) Certificate of Sponsorship
As a sponsoring employer, I have first-hand experience with the successes of previous immigration processes having sponsored many vitally skilled dentists who contribute to the health and wellbeing of society, whilst benefitting the economy in abundance. Since December, I cannot stand idly by whilst patient wellbeing is drastically suffering upon strategic policy decisions overseen by the UK Government and The Rt. Hon. Caroline Nokes MP (Immigration Minister).
The details are as follows. Per Annum, there are 20,700 restricted certificates of sponsorship for employers to sponsor non-EU workers under Tier-2 (General) Visas. The Post-Brexit shortfall of nurses has led to the nursing profession being rightly placed on the shortage occupation list. With the NHS severely under-staffed and under-funded, there is also a major shortage of many medical occupations. So, to declare that the requirements of the shortage occupation list have to be within the total quota is dangerously perilous. The Government’s attempt to rationalise and propagate better immigration numbers comes at the sacrifice to UK businesses, the UK economy, and of gravest concern to myself the wellbeing of society.
This skewed process fundamentally lacks a cogent logic or correlation with the shortage occupation list and the need for other skilled NHS staff. The detrimental impact on UK businesses, employers, the NHS, millions of patients, and the wider public is perilous.
Total Points Required
Salary Required (non-shortage occupation)
Increase in Salary from November 2017
November 2017
December 2017
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
£35,000 ... ponsorship
Current issues concerning the Windrush Generation reflect the level of insecurity and polarised hostility engulfing politics and society. Placing patient care at risk is unpalatable. To quote a prospective NHS worker from Canada:
’ I understand why this system is in place. Every country wants to protect its borders and control flow of immigration. This is fine. I have no issues with that. My issue is that I work for the NHS. Very few make >50K. Especially newly qualified staff. Everyone knows the NHS is short-staffed and in a crises across the board and in particular winter months. It's getting much worse and will continue to do so as EU citizens are leaving the UK at record numbers. Who's going to suffer? At the end of the day it is the patients’
A Concerned Business-Owner and Citizen