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Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

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Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by mwrtn » Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:45 am

Firstly, sorry for the amount of detail but i wanted to get ahead of posting this rather than not giving enough information in the first place.

Background: Vietnamese Citizen living in the UK with Vietnamese passport expiring in 2029
UK Status: on Leave To Remain (Family) entry with BRP which expires on 29th September 2024.  Currently living in the UK since January 2022.  Planning to extend to FLR(M) mid August 2024

Situation: My family have paid for a P&O Cruise with the whole UK family on a cruise around Spain (5 days) and France (1 day) (there are be 9 of us together all on the same booking)  I am the only person who needs a schengen visa as all the others a British Citizens/Passport holders.  Price of the holiday has been paid by the family.

The cruise has been booked and deposit paid (£300) for our cabin (I will be sharing with my other half)
The dates of the cruise are leaving Southampton UK 21st July 2024 and returning 5th August 2024.  Dates are based on birthdays/celebrations etc so cannot change dates.

I have read that to apply for a Schengen visa (will be applying to Spain as it is the first port of call and also the majority of the trip) that I need to have 3 months of remaining BRP.  Based on the above information, we will come back August 5th 2024 and my BRP expires 29th September 2024.  So this will not work for me so I've been looking for ideas.

Not sure whether or not having the whole family on the trip would influence them to overturn this or that it's been a tough 2 years with my other halfs father been diagnosed with cancer and been on therapy since along with operations along the way (partly the reason why it's more of a family occasion)

The most likely work around that I have is this.
If we book to go on another holiday (was thinking another cruise) to schengen zone (probably Spain again) in say April 2024 get this booked and I apply for the Schengen visa in February 2024 would I also be able to use the visa again for the July trip therefore getting around the requirement of having 3 months remaining on the visa.  I know this would have to be a Multi entry visa that we would have to apply for and I think the standard issue for the first multi entry is 6 months so if granted it should cover the window of both trips.

I should note that i have not previously applied for any Schengen visas in the past so i'm not sure what the likelihood of being granted a multi entry 6 month visa first time will be, although i have been granted a USA and Canada visa with no issue in the past and i have no overstay history or anything bad.  I am in full time employment (have been since March 2022)

I understand this will not work if we get a single entry visa as the dates are set in stone on the visa and it would only support our April trip and then I would be back in the same situation.

What would the chances be if I asked for a multi entry visa for the cruise in April.  I know that the multi entry is not required as we will be floating around the Canary Islands and therefore a single entry visa would suffice so would this be rejected or would they change the application based on the itinerary that we supplied?

Just in this situation and trying to find a way by booking another holiday prior to the main cruise in July 2024 and therefore getting around the 3 month requirement by getting a multi entry visa for 6 months using it in April and then again in July.  Also i will need to know what the plan and have the visa in my hand is prior to 14th April 2024 when the total balance for the cruise in July 2024 needs to be paid for.

Would showing the receipt etc for the July cruise that we have already booked including the trip in April give them the justification of having a Multi entry or even a 02 Entry would they disregard this as it's still under the 3 month limit.  Are there any suggestions or options that I haven't considered?  

I didn't want to renew the BRP etc as the justification costing around £2500 would mean I would need a total of 3 visas as I'm on the 5 year route.

I don't even mind say having a weekend away to a Schengen zone and booking it if it gives us enough reason to ask for a multi entry visa as this is a cheaper solution than getting 2 FLR(M) extensions when i would only need the 2nd extension for about 2 months.

Any help or feedback would be appreciated.  Thankyou for your time.

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Re: Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by mwrtn » Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:10 am

After posting i checked a few things just to confirm the above. The double entry visa is probably what i would need to go with as Multi i will need 3 previous visas to apply for this.

Also looking at the "checklist" for the BLS Spanish visa requirements on this page: ... e_visa.php

and then clikcing on Checklist takes me to this page: ... 1286292152

Section 3 says BRP only required for 30 days so therefore i should be eligable. Confusing

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Re: Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by meself2 » Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:36 am

Usually cruise is good enough of a reason to give you a visa, but lack of Schengen history might be alarming.

My best advice would be for you to ask around in online groups/circles about people's experiences with different Schengen visas, specifically Spanish one, as it varies from embassy to embassy; for example, speaking from Irish experience, Germans are very unlikely to give a long visa, Spanish consulate gives a fixed duration (eg 3/6 months) depending on nationality and French are extremely generous - I got visa for a year, past my residence permit expiry date.
If there's information about certain embassies being more likely to give a long visa, you can try to have a holiday there a few months before the cruise, so even if they give you a single entry visa, you can apply with a better visa history. Watch the slots tho and book one in advance - they go quick.

Regarding your UPD - I think 30 days was mentioned in some other embassy (Greek, to be exact), so it's not unusual. Maybe call them and see?
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Re: Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by mwrtn » Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:54 am

Thanks for the reply. Yes i found the Greece post and considered this also, but then after checking the BLS site for London this morning it says 30 days also.

Im based in the Midlands so my "local" BLS office is Manchester so naturally took the details from their site about the 3 months rule, but looking at the checklist on the same page it then says 30 days under the first section here: ... ourist.pdf

but on others its 30 days even a German site through TLS says 30 days.

Ill email them to confirm what is correct. Thanks for your reply.

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Re: Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by Ticktack » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:22 am

Schengen visas are about the craziest visas to apply for. Spain is about the worst of 'em all. Not trying to discourage you, but it is. France as rightly mentioned above have open hands.
You could be granted a visa in February, but it doesn't kick start (validity) until the day you plan to travel into the Schengen zone. Also it could end the very day you leave the Schengen zone.
It's almost like they don't want you to even miss your flight out.

I have seen Spanish issued Schengen issued for a month, multi-entry, but with a duration of 15 days. Also issued for 6 months, multi-entry, but with a duration of 90 days.
These guys work in mysterious ways!

Your best best is to apply early, explain about your future travel intentions, add all necessary documentations and hope for the best.
No sin in failing, you just have to try and try again!

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Re: Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by mwrtn » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:33 am

Thanks I agree and if im honest its the reason why we havent applied for one since I came here due to the limitations and i have to travel 260 miles round trip for a visa i will only use for a week. Its been easier to visit other countries for example the USA visa was granted with no questions asked for 1 year and its a multi entry.

Anyway, i emailed them this morning with the below. I have changed the dates slightly as its based on cruise port dates rather than including the docking back in the UK

Hopefuly i get a response soon. I will then be happy to share this so that anyone else can save time and money.

Hello, I am looking for clarification on a Toursit Schengen visa. I am a Vietnamese Citizen and my Vietnam passport expires in 2029. I am living in the UK since January 2022 with a UK Residence permit.

I will be looking to apply in January 2024 for a Schengen tourist visa for a Spanish cruise arriving in La Coruna on 23rd July 2024 and departing Cadiz to the UK on 1st August 2024.

I have a UK Biometric Residence Permit which expires on 29th September 2024.

According to the checklist documentation on your website here: ... ourist.pdf

and here: ... 1465627684

It mentions on this page under UK Residence Permit section that the requirements for this must remain valid for a minimum of 30 days/one month after leaving the Schengen zone. As the plan is to leave Schengen on 1st August 2024 and my UK Residence Permit expires 29th September 2024 this will be 59 days.

As this is over the 30 days/one month requirement, could you please advise if you see this being a problem when requesting the visa. I will be renewing the residence permit after returning from my trip once i am back in the UK.

Many Thanks.


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Re: Schengen visa question for Cruise and 3 month BRP Expiry

Post by mwrtn » Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:38 am

Seems like they are watching their inbox:) only took 5 minutes so hopefully the below answers the question.

RE: Spanish Schengen tourist visa question for residence permit.

11:35 (0 minutes ago)

to me

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your email, we are glad to assist you.

As per your email, you wanted assistance on visa .

Kindly be informed that it is fine.

For more details please visit the below website

Thank you for contacting BLS International, it was a pleasure assisting you. We hope that we have been able to address your query to your satisfaction. Please do let us know if we can be of any further assistance

Thanks & Regards,

Call center team

