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Archive » Australia and New Zealand » some questions on 47SK

Junior Member
Member # 583
Posted November 14, 2001 05:35 AM
I've gotten 47SK form with pals' help, and I have some questions on it. Would you like helping me understand them?
Item2: What differences are there between type of INDEPENDENT and SKILL MATCHING?
Item11: Must I have passport before I lodge my application?
Item14: If my application is successful, can I get my visa by mail directly?
Item22: How much money should I state I'll bring to AU? What's the minimum value?(I'm only applicant)
Item52: Who can provide me skills assessment as authority? Can I take MCSD certification as skills assessment?
Item56: Can I indicate the points by myself or it must be provided by the relevant assessing authority?
Item62: Must I provide address from my current employer or any of former employers?
Item92: Can I take my IELTS score as proof of English language ability?
Item92: What differences are there between proof of work experience and employment licence?
Item92: What is proof of specific work experience?
Item94: Can I pay my application charge by bank draft?(I come from P.R.China)
In addition,
1. what does it mean that "POST TO COMPLETE AND SEND TO MIGRATION PROGRAM SECTION CENTRAL OFFICE CANBERRA"? I donnot need to fill that, need I?
2. I donnot need to take medical exam before I lodge my application, need I?
I'm eager for getting the answer. I'm grateful for your help.
Member # 5
Posted November 14, 2001 02:29 PM
Hi ShineJohn

I think that replying to your specific questions would warrant more space than on this message board, so I would appreciate it if you would set up either a telephone or e-mail consultation by contacting me on - I will then be glad to reply to your questions in greater detail.

Best regards



Elfa Kere, Consultant

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