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Family Visit Visa for my Father

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sally alzaim
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Family Visit Visa for my Father

Post by sally alzaim » Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:42 am

Hi All,

I am a french national (my mother is french) living in the uk with my husband who is british. My father is a syrian passport holder living in syria.

I am currently pregnant and would like to apply for a family visit for my dad to visit me in the UK but because of the circumstances in Syria he does not keep a bank account as these could go bankrupt any minute.

He earns money from house rentals as he has a few properties but the rental contract does not state the correct value of rent. It was just put down on paper for something like £10 pounds but he obviously charges alot more.

I can put in my financial circumstances as me and husband do quite well. We both work in good jobs and we own our house.

would that be enough or is there anything else I could do?? Im really worried they will refuse it and I really need my dad here for the birth of my first child.

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Re: Family Visit Visa for my Father

Post by cloud123 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:14 pm


I am in the exact same situation, my father would like to come and visit me, he can apply either in Jordan or Saudi Arabia, please let me know if your dad did get accepted or not and any advice would be highly appreciated.

Thank you
