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Reporting a change of circumstances

Only for UK Student Visas, formerly known as Tier 4 (General) student visa

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Reporting a change of circumstances

Post by Agidano » Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:15 pm

Hi. Thank you all of you here for your advice.
I'm a Tier4 holder and wonder if I should report the Home Office about the fine from traffic offence from my home country after granted a visa.

I don't want to deceive Home Office in my future visa application so I'm going to disclose it, however I'm not sure if it is also a legal obligation to report the change of circumstances(criminal conviction) for a non-custodial sentence from another country after I was granted a visa.

I was thinking about reporting it but the immigration lawyer here said I don't need to by taking a risk to be curtailed and just disclose it in the next application when applying for a new visa.

So please give me an advice, will the HO officer deem it as a deception or non-disclosure of a material fact when looking at my future application and my traffic conviction history(which I will disclose in the application) if I didn't report them about the fine that I received from another country after granted a visa?

And also, apart from the question above, is it okay to apply for an extension of my visa from Inside the UK(leave to remain) before 12 or 24 months have passed from the day of the conviction?
I was confused as there is a discretionary refusal for the non-custodial sentence happened within 12 months from the application for the leave to enter applicatiob and 24months of timeframe for mandatory refusal for ILR, but there seems to be no such timeframe for convictions for limited leave to remain.

All your help will be very appreciated, thank you!

Thank you!!

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Hong Kong

Re: Reporting a change of circumstances

Post by Agidano » Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:32 pm

!!!!!!! Sorry guys !!!!!!!! as I am a stupid in this penalty/crime matter (as I'm just a young student),
I misunderstood Fixed Penalty Notice as a conviction,I realised this after confirming this with the police in my country right after posting this..
I was confused because I have never received tickets before and received any points, I was just paranoided and thought it will remain in my record.
For your information for people like me, traffic ticket is not a conviction.
I feel so relieved as I was so worried.
I think the lawyer(free phone call advice) didn't know that it was a FPN as I didn't explain about it precisely.
No help is needed any longer.
Thanks. xx
