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UKM question/complication

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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UKM question/complication

Post by bobbyk » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:43 am

Hi all,

I am currently helping my mom look into the UKM as a route to citizenship and we are stuck on one point.

My mother’s grandfather was born in the UK 1905 and her mother was born in South Africa in 1941, from what we know, she has South African nationality but we are struggling to find if she ever registered/applied for british citizenship, although she would have got it through descent.

From what we read in the UKM guide, we need to supply proof that her mother had/has British citizenship. Is providing her grandfathers birth certificate enough?

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South Africa

Re: UKM question/complication

Post by IntrepidShepherd » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:05 pm

Not sure if its just me but I dont understand what you are asking - sorry.

The UKM application is to register as a British Citizen because the applicant has a mother who is a British citizen (by birth and not decent as far as I understand it) hence the UKM part =UK Mother

Your mothers Grandfather is irrelevant here but she could apply for an Ancestral Visa if she has at least one British grandparent.

So unless her mother is British she cannot use the UKM route.
