Dear HSMP JR Friends,
Please advise...
my visa detail HSMP (2006 to 2008)+ Tier1(2009 to feb.2013)stay 1 year total (3 momths 4 different times).
Now out of UK now and will come in next month.
1) I see in website that after 6 April 2012 ,who are affected by HSMP JR and having Tier1 can apply for FLR,Please refer link ... ionofstay/
As per hsmp application and guidence note,if I fall in HSMP JR and Tier 1 I have to apply under this and no earning criteria reuired menas it will be same as HSMP early extension...
(Please refer page 5 of guidence note and form as mentioned below)
SECTION 1: Introduction
1) Following the High Court Judgment of 8 April 2008, migrants who obtained leave to enter or remain based on a letter of approval issued under the HSMP criteria in place before the programme was suspended on 7 November 2006 should be considered against the extension criteria in place when they joined the programme. Provision has now been put in place for those who fall within this category. Under these provisions qualifying applicants will be considered against the published policy document on Highly Skilled Migrants of 9 July 2008 available on the UK Border Agency website. This document allows applications which fall under the remit of the judgment to be considered under the extension criteria as it stood prior to 7 November 2006.
Who can apply on form FLR Tier 1 (HSMP)
2) You should only use this application form if you were granted leave to enter or remain under the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme and
submitted your initial application under HSMP prior to 7 November 2006 and are seeking to extend your leave within this category for a further period.
with refrence to my HSMP + Tier 1(base on HSMP JR) visa and I fall in all above both criteria ,please advise to fill which form because it depends on extesnion possibility