Could you please advise about my application as per the cover letter below. Any inputs are appreciated.
The Officer in charge
UK Border Agency
Tier 1
PO Box 496
DA99 1WQ
4 May 2012
Dear Sir/Madam,
Request to grant extension of leave under Tier1 (general)
I am currently working in UK as a XXXXXXXX for XXXXXX, under tier1 (general) visa. I request you to extend my Visa for me to continue working in the UK.
I would like to claim points as below
Qualification: Masters Degree
Points claimed : 35
Evidence attached : NA (Previously scored points for the same qualification)
Age at date of application for first grant of leave: 30
Points claimed : 5
Evidence attached : Original passport
Previous earnings (6th April 2011 – 5th April 2012): XXXXXX pounds
Points claimed : XX
Evidences attached : 1) bank statements (acc no: XXXXXX) covering the period
2)12 payslips for April 2011-March 2012
UK Experience: All earnings are made in UK
Points claimed : 5
Evidence attached : NA (documentation provided for previous earnings)
English language: Degree taught in English
Points claimed : 10
Evidence attached : NA (Previously proved)
Maintenance funds (1 February 2012 - 1 May 2012): more than 800 pounds maintained
Points claimed : 10
Evidence attached : 1) bank statements (acc no: XXXXXX) covering the period
I have also attached the following documents for your reference
1) P60 for 2011-2012
2) Employer letter
You can reach me by email or phone, should you need any further information
Kind Regards,