by cs95tdg » Sun May 06, 2012 10:01 pm
Golu, Technically speaking, you should apply no earlier than 28 days before the 5th anniversary of the date you switched to your Tier 1 visa (i.e. as your's is an in-country application).
If the date calculator gave you 22nd May then you can apply any day from that date until the visa expiry date. Personally I wouldn't pick an appointment for exactly the 28th day (I'd give a few days). You already have one for the 23rd which is a day after, so don't see a problem. Is there any reason why you want to get one for the 22nd itself?
This is what the SET(O) guidance states... I've highlighted the facts that apply to you based on what you have stated...
You and any dependants applying with you should apply before the end of your/their permitted stay in the UK. There is a qualifying period to complete in most of the categories on this form. It runs either from - the date on which you entered the UK with a visa in the relevant category; or, if you did not enter the UK with such a visa, from - the date on which you were first granted permission to remain in the UK in the relevant category. If you entered the UK with a visa several weeks or more after the date from which it was valid for use, you may need to apply for an extension of stay to complete the relevant qualifying period. Please do not apply more than 28 days before completing the qualifying period. If you apply earlier than that, your application may be refused. If that happens, we will not refund the fee and you will have to pay again when reapplying. The qualifying periods are as follows:
5 years In the work permit holder, employment not requiring a work permit, businessperson, innovator, investor, self-employed lawyer, writer, composer or artist, UK ancestry, Tier 1 and Tier 2 categories or routes.
Hope this helps.