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Should the translation of the documents be recent? help plz

Only for UK Student Visas, formerly known as Tier 4 (General) student visa

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Should the translation of the documents be recent? help plz

Post by foxylady » Tue May 15, 2012 10:02 pm

Hi folk,

I am a Moroccan citizen and a resident in Italy. I intend to apply for a Tier 4 student visa in Italy as soon as possible. I have gone through the UK Boarder Agency website several time but I still remain with some doubts.
Well as I am from Morocco and I had completed my studies in Morocco, my certificates and documents are either written in Arabic or French or both. I have already made translated those documents to English 3 years ago in Morocco. Now I wonder:

1) If the translations of my certificates and documents, which are 3 years old, are valid for making my visa application OR should the translation date be recent?

2) Are those translations that were made in Morocco valid for making an application in Italy OR should the documents be translated in Italy (this latter is a bit of prodigy because it is very hard to find translator from Arabic/French to English in Italy)?

3) My Moroccan passport is only written in Arabic and French. To make the visa application shall I just provide my original passport and its photocopy OR should I include an English translation of my passport?

If you any of you has already face such a situation or know the answer to these questions. I will be very grateful to hear your advice.

Thank you in advance

