by ITGraduate » Thu May 17, 2012 1:17 pm
Hi There,
sorry for the long history below but thought it was necessary.Apologies and thanks for reading.
My friend is employed ( part time job ) AND self employed working as an independent contractor for a US based company paying tax and NI in UK. He worked for them 4 months doing small projects and contract jobs for the company in US. He needs 20000 pounds to claim 15 points which is mandatory for him. He will be short by 200 pounds if the CW decided not to include one invoice for which he received pay from different bank account.
He invoiced them 4 times and he got paid 3 times from the company bank account and once from company secretaries personal bank account. ( the reason is company's bank account was changed from one bank to another ).
Please let me know the following as he is really stressed:
1- Is it possible that the caseworker may not accept the fourth payment as part of his earnings. ( Note: He invoiced same way to the company as normal but was paid in his uk bank account from secretaries account ) . He will not meet the required earnings if the CW doesn't accept his 4th invoice.
2- Even if the case worker doesn't include the fourth invoiced earning will they just remove the earning (OR) earnings + expenses. I mean his invoiced amount was 3200 pounds and his expenses was 300. so will they deduct 3500 ( earning + expenses ) OR 3200 ( only earnings ) from his total earnings claimed.
He has a letter from his accountant confirming all his 4 payments received, the accountant letter also says the expenses claimed.
Please help seniors with your advise