Only for UK Student Visas, formerly known as Tier 4 (General) student visa
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by surfsumi » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:31 am
Please help me !!
In 2011 octomber I changed my Tier 4 sponser ( since I finished the course with earlier one) & applied to for a visa extention for me ( student) & for my dependents ( wife & 3yrs old son). The course was 7 months & was the advance entry for Bsc degree. In 2011 december 8th I got my visa ( they granted visa til 06 april 2012) but my dependent visa was refuced & they sent back their bio metric cards wich was valid til 31-12-2011. The reason was the course duration on the CAS letterwas less than 6 months.
After explaining to the college I got their letter with ammendment to the CAS correcting course duration as 7 months & I wrote to UKBA to reconsider the decition on 02 / January 2012. Then they replied asking them to forward fresh application with new Cas & I sent their fresh applications on 24th january 2012 with the ammendment to the CAS provided by the college ( College refuced to issue new CAS & they said the amendment done through UKBA sponsor system & I have given a letter saying that).
On 5 th of March 2012 I finished my course & 19th of March I have been awarded with BSc degree. On 3rd April I & my dependent forward the new applications for PSW visa catogory. On 15th May 2012 they have deducted money for all of us & sent us the acknowledgemnt letter on 22 May 2012.
On 1st June they sent a letter to my dependent regarding the Tire 4 application they made in 24th January 2012, saying that application was rejected. Apart from that they order my son & wife to leave the country as soon possible & they have sent their documents to local enforcement office & asked them to contact local enforcement office before 07 June 2012.
Since yesterday I was so upset coz I got the feeling I'm going to loose my family. As a family we are so close ( I love my son sooo much) & I want them to be with me. Any advice would be much appriciated. thank you..
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by Greenie » Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:42 am
Call the enforcement office and explain that your Wife and child have an outstanding application. They are probably not aware of this.
Did you ever get a reply to the new tier 4 dependent application or was it still outstanding when you submitted the psw dependent applications?
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by surfsumi » Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:53 am
it was pending when we apply for the psw visa in april. The refusal letter came on 1st June. please let me know any further steps i should take. thank you for you help.
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by Greenie » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:05 am
When you sent the psw dependent Applications did you make it clear on the form that they already had outstanding student dependent applications and state that you wished to vary the applications?
Why was the second student dependent Application rejected and did you send a new application with a new fee etc with this application?
When you say the uni amended the Cas did they do this before or after the First refusal?
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by surfsumi » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:17 am
Have send all the copies related to previous case & even a cover letter explaining when we apply for the PSW visa.
It was a ( Tire 4 2nd application ) fresh application with fees( £1200 approx) for my son & wife.
They ammend the CAS once I got my dependent visa refuced.
thank you again...
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by Greenie » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:29 am
If they amended the Cas afterwards i am not surprised is was refused again although also understand why they were unable to issue you another Cas. Call the enforcement office as suggested and also call ukba to explain that they have outstanding psw dependent applications. You may want to speak to the international student advisor at you uni as they may be able to contact the ukba for you.