From the previous topic I m continuing again. HO now saying although I had sufficient amount to cover my dependant fee but there was not any authorisation for certain amount of money so they could not take it. Now I lodged an appeal against the decision. Now please help me which ground is strong for me? I m living in this country for more then 10 years. I don't have any sort of bonding back with my native country. I have established privet and family life here. last 6 years i didn't even go to my native country. I am thinking of establishing business with my relative here. My daughter is nearly 6 year old. She doesn't even can't speak any other language other English. She thinks this is her country and she is english like her friends around. Although my wife is bangladeshi yet she only spent few years of her childhood back in Bangdesh. All her life she grown up in Bahrain where her family lived. Now please tell me where can I get good advise about what to include in my appeal statement. Where I can get a very very good solicitor who has got very in depth in insight knowledge of Article 8 and human rights. I am in deadly need of seeing a solicitor who knows both money payment failure and human right stuff. Please who ever read this topic help me giving advise about what to do before i give my appeal statement to the court. my email id is . thanking u all in this forum bye Surid.