by sunflower018 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:21 pm
i was given discretionary visa for 3 years under humanitarian grounds following an appeal which expired september 2011. from my understanding of the rules on the UKBA website, i had to complete 6 years discreationary leave before i could apply for indefinate leave. so i applied for an extension of discreationary leave. my visa was returned as invalid after 2 months simply because of failure of payment ( even though it cleary states that discreationary renawals are free. so to save arguments, i attached a payment slip of £550 with my application and sent it again. This was returned to me again this time with an explaination that i did not qualify for discreatinary leave and that i had to apply for FLRO or SET. as i had only been in the country 9 years, i went for FLRO to be safe. it has been 6 months since i applied now and havent heard anything more. i would have been here for 10 years come september anyway. so can anyone explain to me why my application might be taking forever please. thanks.