Salam guys,
Quick question to anybody that can help. I'm just starting to do the online forms for my wife who is in Pakistani (I'm in the UK).
It's asking for a "Biometric Residence Permit" collection. Is this something I collect? Or my wife? and is this collected from the UK or Pakistan? Totally confused
If anybody can help, would appreciate. Jzk[/quote]
WaSalam Bro,
She will be given 30 Days visa In sha ALLAH to come here and then she needs to collect this from here.
Keep us in your prayers thanks
Best of luck[/quote]
It initially gave me the option to collect from my local post office - is this correct? Do I need to do anything else here?
Also another quickie
Are there two separate tests which my pakistani spouse needs to take? I know you book the Biometric tests online... but is there another TB test?
Thank you!
InshAllah bro. Just been reading some of the comments here, and wish everyone luck. Always praying. May Allah SWT help us all[/quote]
Yes local post office is fine.
And yes TB Test appointment needs to be booked separately. You will only be able to book online biometrics appointment at Gerry's Office where she will also submit her passport and photograph.[/quote]
Thanks for the clarification bro. How do I book the TB test?