by kazimodo » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:19 pm
hello. just got question regarding how to retain my residence card,
i come to UK on spouse visa 2009 and got 5 years residence card, till 2014
my wife after has change her behavior to me and ask me for divorce well after 3 years of marriage we divorce and got the final divorce paper i submit application to home office for retain the right of residence on late march and got the COA certification but still didn't get replay yet the problem is my ex wife was exercing her treaty right, since she come her on 2006 but after divorce she dint want cooperate and give me her document showing that she working and don't help at all , but on my application i submit her business card with her name and i give the place and the job where she work and explain that she don't want give me the document, do u think that they could call and check after her or they will reject my application , if yes do i have chance to win on the appeal ,please let me know with any advice or any think i can do
many thanks,