My visa is due expire soon in August 2012. I am currently on ICT short term staff and will go back india to apply for ICT long term staff. and my sponsor is A rated.
I and my wife are re-applying together from India.
in the latest guide it says ... olicy1.pdf
point 51
When a family member of a Tier 2 Migrant applies at the same time as the main applicant they are only required to provide evidence that he/ she meets the maintenance requirement when the Tier 2 Migrant is also required to meet the maintenance requirement. When a family member of a Tier 2 Migrant applies separately from the main applicant he/she will always need to have the necessary funds to meet the maintenance requirement or have a written undertaking from an
A-rated Sponsor."
Does it mean that I don't have to produce an explicit maintenance letter for my wife if my sponsor has mentioned my maintenance on COS already?