by dipmm2000d » Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:01 am
Hi it would be great help if any one of you put your opinion about my situation. I have been studying masters (UOL external 2 years) in a A rated college n i sent my application for my visa extension last Jan which is still pending. My CAS letter stated course finishing date 30 July 12 infact i could not finish it as college could not provide me tuition for remaining subject that i supposed to take exam. Now as i paid half of the tuition fees to them they are asking me to pay the oustanding balance by 7th August otherwise they will terminate me n will report to the UKBA about this. I do not want to pay as they have not provided tuition for my subjects. Now the question is can they terminate me as i should not be a student at the college(as per as cas stated) until i re-register in september for the remaing course? If they can do so what consequences would be on my pending application? Lastly i will complete 10 years on the 23rd sep 12 n want to make application for ILR. Can you pls give me some suggetions ?thanks.