Hi all,
I am changing the education provider doing the same course of study. My visa was obtained before 05/10/2009 so I only need to apply for UKBA's written permission to switch. I have made the application, however I got a decline letter because UKBA has said that they'd contacted my newly proposed education provider but received no replies. I then contacted my education provider who said they never got the emails from UKBA and suggested that I contact UKBA to ask them to forward the enquiry email to a specific person. I have emailed UKBA (UKBApublicenquiries@ukba.gsi.gov.uk) on 2 occasions but received no replies from them. I then called them on their public enquiries number 08706067766 and they said they couldn't deal with this issue and asked me to contact the Sheffield office directly. They gave me the customers services number - 01142072966 - but I have not been able to get through to them. Can anyone suggest what I should do in this case please?
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