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Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha
Thanks. She did a course within this period and she has a cretificate as prove, do you think this will help? Should i send copies of my payslip for 5yrs or just for the duration she didnt work? We have a 6yr old son, will this help?Lucapooka wrote:It could be a problem as it's longer than six months (so residence might be considered as broken). If, during that time, she was self-sufficient on the basis of your salary, both of you would have needed sickness insurance, but I'm guessing you did not have this. I think all you can do is apply, say she was job-seeking and hope for the best.
Thanks for the quick reply. she actually has a workers registration certificate, should I include it in my application and will this help my case?Lucapooka wrote:Again, she would have needed CSI while studying. However, if she previously issued a registration cert. as a worker but then began studying after this, she would be covered by the transitional rules - See Appendix B. However, she was not actually issued an RC (and not many EU nationals actually bother to apply), then this concession can't be claimed.
http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/siteco ... iew=Binary
Thanks again. we have just found a document from the job center showing that she applied for jobseekers allowance shortly after she lost her job although the application was unsuccessful. will this document help me case?Lucapooka wrote:Actually no, she would have needed CSI. Sorry if I mislead you. Here is the wording of the annex which matches her circumstances.
5. Examples of when the transitional arrangements do not apply include, but are not limited to, the following:
EEA nationals who have already been issued with a registration certificate on another basis (for example as a worker) and who then became a student (but who did not reapply for a document confirming this before 20th June) will not be treated under these transitional arrangements. Such applicants must show evidence of comprehensive sickness insurance for any time spent in the UK as a student
Hi allLucapooka wrote:Yes, in about six months time! These things take ages.
I think i will go with her seeking a job and hope for the best.Lucapooka wrote:You have to decide whether she was studying or job seeking. If she was job-seeking she would not need CSI, if she was studying she would. Obviously if you did not have CSI, the job-seeking approach is the best way forward. You just have to convince the UKBA of your case.
Hi AllYem wrote:I think i will go with her seeking a job and hope for the best.Lucapooka wrote:You have to decide whether she was studying or job seeking. If she was job-seeking she would not need CSI, if she was studying she would. Obviously if you did not have CSI, the job-seeking approach is the best way forward. You just have to convince the UKBA of your case.
Thanks a bunch