by fysicus » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:59 pm
I must have missed something in the 14+ years I am in UK now, using the NHS from time to time (no private health insurance), and my wife actually works in the NHS, but I have never heard of UK Medicards.
My understanding of EHIC is that it covers you for emergency medical treatment abroad (on short trips for holiday or work, within the EU but outside the country where you have your main residence) under the same terms as the residents of the country where you happen to fall ill. When you move from one country to another, you normally cancel the insurance in the country that you leave, and sort out new insurance in the country where you are going to live, and apply there for a new EHIC, as the one from the previous country would become invalid (even though the expiry date on it has not yet passed).
If you are now living in UK, then register with a GP as soon as possible, apply for an EHIC here and discard your Irish EHIC.