by shaztait » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:58 am
Hi there,
I am trying to register my 2 year old son as a British Citizen using the MN1 form. I have received my Indefinite Leave to Remain in February this year and my husband is a Polish Citizen (without ILR).
My query is this, I tried to book an appointment at one of the NCS centres as I do not want to post off my passport and after asking me loads of questions about my husband they have now said that I need to get confirmation from UKBA that I am eligible to apply??
I keep telling them that I am applying for him under MY IRL status and should have nothing to do with my husband because as far as I am aware only ONE parent needs to be settled?
Can someone please confim that whether I am able to go ahead with the application regardless of my husbands status?
Thank you so much for reading.