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Decision not made on the same day at PEO

Only for queries regarding Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Please use the EU Settlement Scheme forum for queries about settled status under Appendix EU

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Decision not made on the same day at PEO

Post by suresh.k.dasari » Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:01 pm


I have booked for a same day service on September 05, 2012 in Cardiff PEO for ILR. I have put two combination of earnings. First 6 months earnings are from permanent job salary and the remaining 6 months earnings through a limited company.

I was told that as the immigration officer cannot make a same day decision, he has to decide if they can accept my documents to give me a decision in 5 working days else should I have to post the same.

I have managed to convince the immigration officer to accept my documents and tell me the decision in 5 working days.

I was told that the UKBA have to check my earnings by ringing the consultancies who have made me the payments.

I was just wondering what are the chances on the below:

1. Will I still get a decision tomorrow which completes 5 working days
2. How strong are the chances of a positive news?

I work through my limited company to different clients, but the agencies pay me rather than the clients I work for. The officer is not happy about that and he said he has to speak to the agencies who paid to my limited company business account.


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Post by laxcaj » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:19 pm


Almost all contractors are paid by their agencies into their limited company account. Pls don't worry too much about that.

What other documents did you submit to the CW?



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Post by suresh.k.dasari » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:36 pm

1. Individual Dividend Vouchers for every transfer made from Business Account to Personal Account.
2. Minutes of Meeting for every dividend voucher provided. This Minutes of Meeting should was dated one day before the transfer.
3. A document displaying all the invoices raised by me, which was certified by the accountant. This should be a break down of gross, salary, tax deductions, etc., if claimed
4. Accounts submitted.
5. Accountant Reference Letter
6. Letter stating that the Accountant is a member of ICAEW, ICAS, ICAI, ACCA, CIPFA, CIMA then have to provide a proof with the registration number
7. Official tax document produced by the tax authority or employer, showing earnings on which tax has been paid or will be paid in a tax year.
8. Letter from the Accountant confirming that I received the exact amount that I am claiming or the net profit entitled to. This should give the breakdown of salary, dividends, profits, tax credits and dates of net payments earned.
9. Welcome letter from HMRC
10. Contact Details of Account for UKBA to contact
11. Share Holder letter from the accountant confirming the number of share holders available
12. Shareholder Certificate
13. Registration of Ltd Company Certificate
14. Profit and Loss Account
15. Declaration of Earnings/Profits to the HMRC (or) Proof of Declaration of earnings to HMRC
16. VAT returns for the periods where VAT paid (or) Proof of VAT paid authorised by you
17. Life in UK Certificate
18. Continuous Residence Requirement (Table of ins and outs of the country)
19. Set(O) Application Form
20. Letter from Employer where I showed salary from a permanent job
21. Five ‘P60’
22. Include P60 for permanent salary and self salary
23. VAT Certificate from HMRC
24. Contact Details of the Employer for UKBA to contact
25. Offer letter from the employer in the permanent job
26. Photographs
27. Points Calculator Screen Shot
28. Remitances
29. 1 set of photo copy of all the documents
30. Letter from HO issued at initial grant of HSMP
31. Letter from HO issued at renewal of HSMP to Tier 1
32. Contract papers for all the contracts received from the agency

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Post by laxcaj » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:40 pm

Hi Suresh,

The documents submitted is even more than required and I see no reason why the CW shouldn't make a decision.

Having said that you must understand that CW don't have the same level of experience (in your case the CW seems to be a junior CW). I wouldn't worry about it, with all the listed documents provided, you shouldn't have any problem.

Moreso they haven't asked you for additional documents. Please relax your mind, all is well.



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Post by suresh.k.dasari » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:53 pm

Thank you for the feedback.

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Re: Decision not made on the same day at PEO

Post by ryan2020 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:50 pm

suresh.k.dasari wrote:Hi

I have booked for a same day service on September 05, 2012 in Cardiff PEO for ILR. I have put two combination of earnings. First 6 months earnings are from permanent job salary and the remaining 6 months earnings through a limited company.

I was told that as the immigration officer cannot make a same day decision, he has to decide if they can accept my documents to give me a decision in 5 working days else should I have to post the same.

I have managed to convince the immigration officer to accept my documents and tell me the decision in 5 working days.

I was told that the UKBA have to check my earnings by ringing the consultancies who have made me the payments.

I was just wondering what are the chances on the below:

1. Will I still get a decision tomorrow which completes 5 working days
2. How strong are the chances of a positive news?

I work through my limited company to different clients, but the agencies pay me rather than the clients I work for. The officer is not happy about that and he said he has to speak to the agencies who paid to my limited company business account.

HI suresh,

why they didn't ring to agencies on the same day ? what was the reason ? what questions they ask regarding your earnings ?
oh u booked in cardiff. you should know from this forum that cardiff PEO doesn;t accept self-employed earnings.
i dont know how long it will take. see any one who applied in cardiff and his case was hold etc.
best of luck :)

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Post by panther80 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:24 am

I am not an expert but don't you think that you have submitted documents which may not have been required. I guess you have over done the application and have left the CW confused, but if you meet all the requirements, you shouldn't worry but just wait.

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Panther and Ryan

Post by suresh.k.dasari » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:05 pm

Hi Panther and Ryan

I really do not know that cardiff PEO does not accept self earning cases.

1. When I said that the reason for me to be at the PEO was 'Settlement', the very first response I got from the CW even without looking at the documents was that they cannot give me same day decision.

2. I was told by the CW that he has to refer my case to a specialist who can go through my documents in a span of ten minutes to let me know if they can accept my case to prcoess in '5' working days else I have to post the documents which might probably take upto 6 months.

3. After the specialist has gone through the documents, he was not happy as he has not got enough evidences to prove for my earnings.

4. However, finally when I provided with a copy of my contract papers received from the agencies he was convinced and have accepted my case to process in '5' working days.

5. As of today the '5' working days has been completed and have not received a phone or an email yet.

6. I am now wondering how long might my case take upto before I can hear from the CW.


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Post by panther80 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:36 pm

Sorry to hear that SKD, but why don't you try contacting them probably after 7 - 10 working days. Other than that, you just have to wait.

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Hi Pather

Post by suresh.k.dasari » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:46 pm

I was thinking if I can go down to the PEO to check the status, but not sure if they will allow me just for general information.

I will still try and go down to the PEO.


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Received my Approval for ILR

Post by suresh.k.dasari » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:46 pm


I have received a call from the CW on 19/09/2012 and am told that I have been granted with Settlement.


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United Kingdom

Post by geriatrix » Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:58 pm

suresh.k.dasari wrote:Hi

1. Have attended for a same day service of ILR at Cardiff PEO
2. Immigration Officer requested to allow 5 working days to make a decision
3. Have re-visited PEO on September 13
4. CW requested for Bank Statements with Stamp, Sign, Date, Bank Employee Number for Personal Statements for the last 12 months (I have already submitted 12 months statements with a covering letter from the Bank but the CW not happy)
5. Visited the bank on the same day (sep 13) and managed to get all the 12 months statements with stamp, sign, date, employee number
6. Submitted to the CW on the same day
7. Case reopened on Sep 14
8. Received a call from CW on 19th Sep confirming my grant of settlement.
9. Collected documents within ½ hr from the time of the call from CW
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