Your tax payment deadlines have nothing to do with your visa extension dates.
For all earnings you made from January 2012 to 5 April 2012, you will have to send your returns by 31 October 2012 and deadline for tax payment would be 31 January 2013.
Similarly returns for remaining period of your income must be sent by 31 October 2013 and deadline for tax payment would be 31 January 2014.
Read below in details for further details:
I hope this helps. I was looking for someone who has recently applied as self employed, can you please tell me the following with regards to your extension.
Salaried Employment
Gross Salary:
Income Tax:
Net salary:
Self employed
Business Turnover:
Business Expenses:
Gross Earning:
Business tax:
Net Business Profit:
Total Earning claimed: (Salaried) _______ + (Self Emp) _______ = _________
Please write down round figures above.
Your UKBA income Requirement ?
Date of Application ?
The above details are required with regards to the below post of this forum ... c&start=20
Also I need to know the following because I am looking forward to an early extension:
Expiry date of your previous visa (initial leave) ?
Expiry date of your extended visa ?
Did you pay NI Class 2 ?