I am a bit confused in how to book an appointment when I log in and go in to my account transactions- it refers to the note below:
"You do not currently have any transactions. You should not book an appointment unless you have already submitted an application and you have been informed that your service requires an appointment."
Does that mean, there is no PEO booking facility for the person applying in paper format in person? These HO guys are fricking nightmare, I have been trying booking an appointment all night last week and couldn't even get to the step where it shows the slots, everytime I get this message after entering the required dates:
"We do not have any appointments available for your preferred dates and locations.Please change your preferred dates and location and search again."
I have a doubt whether I am using the correct link or not, I have read most of the pages on UKBA website regd. this but could not find any alternative so hope this is the right link (as below):
"http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/about ... pointment/"
Need your expertise advice please, as usual!

Thank you