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reason for divorce AN form

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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reason for divorce AN form

Post by sushdmehta_fan » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:24 pm

This will be long so please bear with me seniors:

AN form section 1.42
Date, place and reason for the ending of your previous marriage/civil partenship

What should I fill as a reason based on the following facts: (remeber me and my ex are still at good term it was the case when we both felt we dont want live with each other and pursue of independent career, there never was a violence or police contact involved ever in our both the lives)

Judge in India, never asked me a single question on both occassion our parents were also surprised (inequality), i dont have the actual statements with me,
though I was present in the court and the judgement look like more like a template or cut paste from other similar cases with all due respect to law.

only two quick question to my wife (1) are your sure you want this (2) do you have claim whatsover, that alls. and said "next please"

**Anyway lets stick to what we have on papers or court files thats really matter now: ***


Decree sheet (this I have in original )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Petition under section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage act for dissolution of Marriage by a decree of divorce with mutual consent
Petition presented on: date

This petition coming on this day for final disposal before me (name of the District Judge, City) int presence of (X), advocate, counsel for the petitioners and it is ordered that the petition is accepted and marriage between petitione no 1. And no2 that took place on (date) is dissolved by a decree of divorce through mutual consent as contemplated under section13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act leaving the parties to bear their own costs.
Memorandum of costs
1. Stamp for petition: 20 Rupees
2. Stamp for Power: 2 Rupees

Total cost : 22 Rupees

Given under my hand and seal of the Court this day of date.

District Judge
City Name

Judgement (this I don’t have in original, so NCS wont accept the photocopy to get another copy i have to travel to India)

1. The petitioner no: 1 and no:2 are husband and wife and have jointly instituted the instant petition under the section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage act, 1955(in short the Act) seeking dissolution of their marriage took place according to rites and ceremonies on (date) at (place) by a decree for divorce mutual consent.
2. It is the case of the parties that after their marriage they cohabited as husband and wife out of which no child has born. The husband and wife have averred that due to mutual mis-understandings and quarrels they were unable to adjust with each other and inspite of their best efforts and efforts of their families and friends, they could no iron out their differences and dispute between them was causing physical as well as mental strain on the parties and, thus, have sought dissolution of their marriage.
3. Initial statements of both the partied were recorded on (date) where they have taken up the plea that it has become impossible for them to carry on their relationship and thereafter sufficient time was afforded to them to think over the same. Now both the petitioners in their second statement have re-iterated their previous stand and have taken up the plea that divorce was the only recourse available to them.
4. Heard mr. Advocate for the petitioners
5. The case of the partied appears to be of great hardship. Incompatibility of the husband and wife has led to innumerable quarrels which is adversely affecting their well-being. The Court from the statements of the parties on two occasions is satisfied that it is impossible for both of them to live together and carry on with this relationship. Both husband and wife are young and have long way to go in life and have settled all their claims arising out of this marriage including that of permanent alimony of the wife and have no claim whatsoever left against each other pertaining to this marriage. Even during the period of six months granted by the court the parties have not been able to remove their differences. The petition as is accepted and marriage between the petitioner no 1 and no 2 that took place on (date) is hereby dissolved by a decree of divorce through mutual consent as contemplated under section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act. However, leaving the parties to bear their own costs. Decree sheet be prepared accordingly and file be consigned to the record room.

Date : three years ago

District judge Sign and Stamp


So based on this what should be be my two three lines reason in summary ??
I dont want to hide or lie about anything, but at the same time I dont want to delay or jeopardize my naturalisation application un-necessarily.

1. I understand I dont have to submit any documents to this effect as I am applying on the base of residence of WP + Tier 1 + 1 year ILR on my own right

Please advice what to write in the reason box ?

So that it sums up the reason and still the UKBA wont held me of with holding/concealing/incomplete - information.

How does it affect my naturalisation ? Do you think i should get immigration lawyer involved ?

Respected Guru
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Post by Jambo » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:41 pm

I must admit I didn't read the whole post but have a look here first - reason for the divorce?.

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Post by geriatrix » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:49 pm

1. The answer to 1.42 is - divorce, IMHO.
Just because your are divorced (for whatever reason it may be), doesn't make naturalisation "difficult".
2. It doesn't.
3. For this? absolutely no need.
Life isn't fair, but you can be!

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Location: Kent

Post by sushdmehta_fan » Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:52 pm

sushdmehta wrote:1. The answer to 1.42 is - divorce, IMHO.
Just because your are divorced (for whatever reason it may be) doesn't make naturalisation "difficult".
2. It doesn't.
3. For this? absolutely no need.
Thanks a lot shush d mehta. You are gem :)

Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:31 pm
Location: Kent

Post by sushdmehta_fan » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:18 pm

Hi friends,

My earliest post was long and confusing or may be boring to read ? Apologies moderators/seniors as this might be a repeat or multiple post !

What should I fill under this:
"Date, place and reason for the ending of your previous marriage/civil partenship"

I have had a "mutual consented divorce"

Would be great to hear if someone with approved naturalisation -what did you fill it in there ?

Best wishes

