by TonyG » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:08 am
I'm looking to start the process of applying for a marriage visa for my wife and step-daughter in the new year and would like to give a brief outline of our circumstances and would appreciate any thoughts or tips that other board members may have to pass on that might help. I'm a British Citizen and we met in 2009 via a Christian dating site, I've visited the Philippines 3 times since then each time for between 3 weeks and a month, we were married during the 3rd visit after being engaged for a year. I've been providing financially for her for the last two years and increased the amount to cover healthcare and schooling costs for my step-daughter. I earn £24,000 p.a. at the moment and have been with same company for almost 10 years now. I will also have about £7000 savings by this time. My wife also has savings as she has a degree and works as a P.A. in a Japanese company so she is relatively well off by Filipino standards, she also owns her own house there. She has also already taken and passed the English language test. I have receipts for all the money transfers made by me to her as well as all electronic correspondance going back to when we first met. I think the only possible fly in the ointment may be regarding accomodation. I don't have a proper tenancy agreement, I rent a two bedroom flat but this belongs to an old friend and the rent is paid directly into his bank account each month. Should I move into a flat using a letting agent thus having an legal tenancy agreement which covers boths sides or get my friend to draw up an agreement to put everything on a proper footing? I don't want to jepordize our application in any way as we have both worked hard towards this. I would also appreciate any advice re my sponsorship letter as letters are really not my strong point.