While the legal base for such trips seems to be 2004/38/EC and "The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006", I just found the following cited in another forum:
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitec ... iew=Binary
As this contradicts 2004/38/EC, the above should be illegal?1.2 EEA FAMILY MEMBERS
Guidance on how to deal with non-EEA nationals seeking admission as family
members of EEA nationals is given in Chapter 7 Section 3. The carrier would, in
theory, be liable to a charge if such a person fails to produce a valid passport, family
permit, visa or residence card as required. However, where it is decided that the
person should be admitted in accordance with paragraph 5.3.2 of Chapter 7 Section
3, it would be disproportionate to impose a charge. In such cases, form IS80A should
be served on the carrier advising it that the person has arrived without the required
documents but that no charge is being imposed. If form IS80B has already been
served in such a case, the charge should be waived by service of form IS80C. Where
such a person is refused admission, it would be appropriate to impose a charge on
the carrier. However, a carrier may deny boarding to a family member who is not an EEA
national if he fails to produce the required documents. Therefore, carriers should be
advised that such a person is inadequately documented if they seek advice before
the person travels.
Any thoughts?