by Thylacine » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:51 pm
I am wondering if someone can give me some advice? I recently applied for a 3 week visitor visa for my girlfriend to visit me in the UK over Christmas. My girlfriend is an Indonesian living in Taiwan. We met whilst I was over there doing a internship at Taipei Zoo.
Anyway, her visa has been denied because
A) They don't think I, as a student currently unemployed can afford to fund her visit. Even though I have £5000 saved in my bank accounts from previous jobs and she will be living in my house with my family.
B) And this is the one that makes me angry.... "the lack of any evidence of any relationship between you, i do not find in credible of you would go to considerable cost of this trip just for you to have a holiday. i am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry to UK only as a general visitor for a limited period"
Which I find disgusting. Some jobsworth at UKBA is essentially judging our relationship and saying that it is basically not genuine. Some jobsworth doesn't think that I would fund a holiday in the UK for my girlfriend who, I am madly in love with. I find that disgusting that the strength of our relationship is getting judged by the border agency.
I have contacted UKBA and they claimed they can not help. For over 3 hours I have been chasing this application, trying to sort this out to no avail. Now please, has anybody got any advice on either
A) How to sort this out so she can come over... beyond the standard appeals process which apparently takes between 6-12 months
B) Any legal advice for compensation etc because I don't think UKBA are right to judge the type of relationship I have with my girlfriend and come to the conclusion that it is not genuine.