Thank you all for taking time to reply to my queries. The good news is that my company has been bought back by the current owners but they have still declared insolvency due to which we are not getting paid this month and have to claim our November salary from the Government which would be capped at £430 a week. However, we're still to find out more coming Friday.
@ adi_khaneng: My HR replied today saying that she's going to contact the UK Border agency and inform them about the current situation of the company and get information regarding my application before she has a chat with me. I will ask her for a separate letter explaining why i wasn't paid for the month (on the company letter head) when i apply and that i am needed for future projects.
@ wpilr_nov12: I'll not be "back paid" by the company but by the government, they have handed us a Redundancy payments form with which i can claim "arrears of pay" for this month. However, it would take 4-6 weeks for it to arrive in my account, ie. end of December or maybe even January. I would start receiving my payslip again from December.
@ sushdmehta: I'm slightly confused here
, does it apply to me as well ?:
"All changes other than the exceptions set out below take effect on 13 December 2012.
The changes in paragraphs 2, 10 to 17, 19, 21 to 25,....
set out in this Statement shall apply to all applications decided on or after that date."
Does that mean, as per 134-SD i need to produce just 1 months payslip along with the other docs? If it does, then I'll have my December payslip by then
. Is it possible that i could be asked to produce older payslips too, which i will carry along separately with the exception of November.
I cannot express how appreciative i am for all the help you're offering. I look forward to some more advises, please keep them coming.
Thanks and best regards,
Haresh G.