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Tier 1 General dependant extension -PBS dependant/FLR(M)

Archived UK Tier 1 (General) points system forum. This route no longer exists.

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Tier 1 General dependant extension -PBS dependant/FLR(M)

Post by immi_enq » Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:32 pm

I am currently on Tier 1 General Visa and moving to ILR next month. My wife's visa will be expiring end of march 2013. As she has not completed 2 yrs in uk, I enquired with UKBA and they confirmed that I need to change my wife visa status to PBS dependant. If I extend her visa as PBS dependant, she will be compleing her 2 yrsby end of may.
My confusion is
1) Instead of applying PBS extension for her along with my ILR application, Can I get my ILR first and apply for her FLR later??
2) Or does she need to hold PBS dependant extn even if I get ILR?
3) I really could find the difference between FLR and PBS dependant.. Kindly let me know if there is a reference I can read..
4) Can a FLR migrant or PBS dependant move to British passport directly after serving the period (say 3 yrs) and apply for british passport the same time when i apply as well or does she need to migrate to ILR by any means??
5) Finally, If she has to move to ILR irrespective of her visa changes to FLR(M) or PBS dependant for getting british passport. Is it advisable to do it immediately after completing her 2 yrs in uk or is there anyhting I am missing.
Kindly let me know your inputs.

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Post by immi_enq » Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:28 pm

Hi All,
have nt received any response yet. Kindly let me know if I am missing something..

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Post by gaurav76.5 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:00 pm

1. You have to apply for PBS dependant for her as she has not completed 2year of stay

2. Answered in 1

3. You can refer to the UKBA website

4 No. They need to apply for Naturalisation first.

5. Answered in 4
