Hi all,
You can find answers for most of your questions in the tier2 guidance. It might be useful to go through this:
On the right hand side - Tier 2 policy guidance
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas ... /applying/
-> ann771, You have to wait till 2014. You can only apply 3 months before your visa expires (calculate the date based on your expiry in Jul 2014) - Same for COS which is valid for the next 3 months from the date of issue. COS for extension shouldn't take more than a day - of course, it depends on HR workload. You only pay when you apply for visa - COS has nothing to do with your payment. Issuing COS is your employers responsibility. You only need to remind them a few days before you are due for one.
-> AliZ, You don't have to for an extension coz you get the required points for currently being in tier 2. However, you have to be still paid the same or more - this will be in COS , so all you need to do is to tick the correct box.
-> psw2009, unrestricted COS means there is no restriction or limit on number of COS that can be issued. Tier 2 General extension needs an unrestricted COS. So, there is nothing to worry about availability or time of the year.