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HItherock wrote:Second question is, he has not yet signed the affidavit. Does he need to sign in front of solicitor in the UK? If yes, does the solicitor need to give a separate letter?
Many Thanks for your inputs.
therock wrote:Thanks for the advice for my friend. My friend has a few more questions.
His visa is expiring on 20 December. But the original documents will arrive on 21st or 22nd. Questions:
1. Can he send scanned documents with his application and send original with biometrics?
2. The affidavit needs to be signed by him, does he need to sign the above scan copies or send the scan copies unsigned and sign the original and send them with biometrics?
3. Same question as above for Solicitor in UK, if the solicitor refuse to give letter based on scanned copies, what shall he do?
Finally, can you please share a template for Advocate in Pakistan about his registration and Notary public validation etc?
Many Thanks really appreciate.