Hi,ashrithb wrote:
@uiqbal - Congratulations.
It is my turn, appointment is on 2nd January and my absents as follows.
QuestionsCode: Select all
Days Reason for absence 42 days Visiting family (in India) 5 days Holidays (holidays to swiss) 5 days Visiting family (in India) 59 days Business Trip (to India) (make it as bold) 19 days Visiting family (in India) Total 130
1.In the above list,I am mentioning reason as 'Visiting family' or 'Holidays' rather than saying Annual holidays.
Assuming that Holiday or Visiting family can be derived from Annual leave, Is that fine ?
2. 59 days trip - went to India for offshore work and mentioning as Business trip,Hope this is fine ?
3.Since my appointment is on 2nd January, Planning to use old set(o) form.
Incase if they ask why did you use old form,What convincing answer can be provided.
Planning to say I have already filled the old form and guidance says old can allowed until 3rd january.
Or would the case worker think that I am trying to hide some thing ?
I put my holidays like this:
visiting family 45 days
annual holidays 5 weeks
annual leave 4 weeks
summer holidays/visiting family. 4 weeks
No questions or no further documentation was required from case worker. I had 12/12 form filled up and ready if they say they couldn't accept 07/12, but they cannot and will not ask about it.