Kurshedalam wrote:As an international student I am going to apply for ILR in 10 years rule in SEPTEMBER/2013.is it essential to submit any English test certificate with my application.
Please advice me.thanks in advance for advice.
from the SET O form
S E C T I O N 4 - K N O W L E D G E O F L A N G U A G E A N D L I F E I N T H E U K
You are not required to complete this section if you are applying in one of the following categories: highly skilled migrant under the terms of the HSMP ILR judicial review policy document; ex-HM Forces (or as
the spouse of such a person); or bereaved partner. If you are applying in one of these categories, go to section 5.
To qualify for indefinite leave to remain, applicants aged 18-64 must show that they have a sufficient
knowledge of language and life in the UK. The separate guidance notes provide detailed information
about this requirement
From 6th April 2011, main applicants who are in Tier 1 or Tier 2 of the points based system and certain
work permit categories must demonstrate that they have passed the “Life in the UK” test in order to meet
the Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK requirement for applications for indefinite leave to remain.
From this date ESOL with citizenship qualifications will no longer be accepted as evidence that the main
applicant meets the knowledge of language and life requirement unless they are caught by the transitional
arrangements. These arrangements exist for applicants who have enrolled on an ESOL course or gained
an ESOL qualification before 23rd November 2010. Further information regarding the transitional arrangements can be found on the UK Border Agency website.