My wife is a doctor from india and is going through the process of writing plab and registering with GMC. We are aware that Tier 1 migrants are not allowed to work in training jobs (unless you satisfy some conditions, which she doesn't).
However, when our visa arrived, we found that the 'Doctor in training' endorsement is printed on my BRP whereas my wife's BRP simply says 'Work Permitted'. It could be an ommision from the part of the case worker, but I am assuming that she will be able to apply for all jobs(including training ones) as the BRP does not have any restriction?
One might reason that any restriction on the main applicant applies to the dependant. but my point is if it is not printed on the BRP, then how will one know?. I know friends who have the endorsement on both the main applicant and the dependant.
anyone has seen such case? any experiences?
moderator: apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere. I found many related discussions, but not a case of with missing endorsement
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