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Class2 NI Pending -Will it effect naturalization application

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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Class2 NI Pending -Will it effect naturalization application

Post by need_a_tier1 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:46 pm

Hi Guys

I am aware that we need to mention our Tax ref number on Form AN and also sign a declaration that UKBA can contact HMRC for any further details. Also, on Page 3 of Form AN the applicant also needs to enter the NI number.

My wife was self-employed for a very short time (1.5 months) 2 years ago and earned a very small amount (around 600 GBP) during this period. She did register as self-employed with HMRC and received a UTR number. Within 2 weeks of finishing self-employed work she also notified HMRC that she is no longer self-employed.

Also, for that tax year she completed her self-assesment before the 31 Jan deadline.

Now, what she missed was Class 2 NI. Her earnings from self employment were really low, so she should have applied for exemption from Class 2 NI, but neither her nor me were aware of this.

After 6 months, she received Class 2 NI bill of 18 GBP, when she called HMRC(NI enquiries) and explained the situation, she was asked to write a letter to be exempted from Class 2 NI.

However, She has sent the letter only 10 days before the naturalization application. She called them they said that it will take around 3 weeks to process any requests sent by post.

Should she just pay the pending amount - 18 GBP now.

Will this effect her naturalization application?

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Post by rod_p » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:23 pm

The exact answer will not be easy to obtain here as it's not exactly spelled out in any guidance notes. However it's clear that "we will contact HMRC for confirmation that your tax and National Insurance affairs are in order".

Naturalisation app cost 851.00 - about equal to a one week South European vacation 5* AI.

This NI thing is 18.00 - about a long lunch at the pub with a few cold pints.

Better to save the 18.00 ( which probably would be refunded in the long run )??

Your risk and choice!

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Post by need_a_tier1 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:48 pm

You're right. Best to pay this now.

Thanks for your advice.

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Post by ban.s » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:04 pm

Check Good Character Requirements:

Guide AN, page 8 31.-3.5
If you don't pay your taxes through PAYE, it's expected that you discharge all your obligations to HMRC.

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Re: Class2 NI Pending -Will it effect naturalization applica

Post by JPB » Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:11 pm

no need to worry about HMRC tax issues. From your submission its clear you have made the effort of addressing the concerns and though it takes 3 weeks its within the time frame. Dot be confused by peoples views as people never tell you clear scenarios.
Good luck mate

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Re: Class2 NI Pending -Will it effect naturalization applica

Post by pinina » Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:13 am

JPB wrote:no need to worry about HMRC tax issues. From your submission its clear you have made the effort of addressing the concerns and though it takes 3 weeks its within the time frame. Dot be confused by peoples views as people never tell you clear scenarios.
Good luck mate
I was wondering if the fact that I had SEE until a month ago or so would affect my application too?
I called them twice to tell them that I no longer wanted to be exempt and finally sent the letter on Dec/14

I am applying tomorrow, but I'll receive my first NI bill on April. Shall I wait? Or the fact that I was clear about it makes it right?

Wish me luck please I don not want to lose my money!
