Sorry ! Just trying to avoid everyone to get into details...Buut..let go...
as I said...the scenario:
Me: Brazilian with Brazilian passport.
She: Double citizenship: Hungarian and Brazilian.Brazilian ID, Hungarian ID and Brazilian Passport (no EU Passport).
My Son: Same as my wife.
For Brazilians, it's not necessary a visa to stay no more then 90 days.
Ok, fine so far...I don't know how the Irish Border officers works, but I know how american works: They first question always is: What are you going 2 do in USA.They expects a answer like: Vacations, Disney.
If they suspect that you have plans to live are really screwed.
In our case: we really have plans to live in Ireland.Our concern is to arrive there with Brazilians passports and then need to answer this question.Sure, we can lie
But...Get inside by the frontdoor is always better, right ?
So, wonder it: The officer made the ask and we reply: To LIVE !
The next question probably will be: I can't see any visa on your passport that's make you elective to live !!! So ?
For this situation I'd like to show the Hungarian ID from my son and wife and say to the officer: I am the luggage
And then...after all...when we already inside Ireland, request the Stamp 4 EUFAM.