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Indian,moving abroad, advice with naturalisation application

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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Indian,moving abroad, advice with naturalisation application

Post by emmigrator123 » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:11 pm


I need some advice regarding my citizenship application which I made last October, and I am still waiting for the approval. I am an Indian national with an ILR and the application for citzenship was based on marriage to a British Citizen.

I will be moving to the Netherlands, with my family, in a couple of weeks to start my new job. The company is based in the NL and I will be paid and taxed in the NL. I was concerned that I was jeopardising my citizenship application, but this post ... sc&start=0 showed that, as a spouse of a British Citizen, it shouldn't cause a problem as the "future intentions" criterion doesn't apply to me.

I need some advice/opinions from informed forum members, as to what my options are.

1) I have set Royal Mail redirection to a friends house until we find a more long-term accommodation in the NL. If I receive the approval while I am in the NL, I am thinking of making an appointment for the ceremony with my local council in the UK. In this case, I will have to travel to the UK on my Indian passport and then go back to the NL after the ceremony. This brings the issue of me (now a British Citizen) travelling back to NL on an Indian passport. I am hoping that this shouldn't cause any problems at the airport. After I am naturalised in the UK, would I be able to apply for a British passport from the Netherlands?

2) In the second scenario, once I get a long-term accommodation sorted in the NL, should I inform the UKBA and would they advice me where in NL I can get Naturalised and apply for a British passport, perhaps at the British High Commission in Amsterdam?

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Post by kandymiki » Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:03 am

hmmm...i have read the all info...these are very much nice & informative dude thanks for sharing.. 8)

Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:20 pm

Post by emmigrator123 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:27 pm

Glad you found it useful.

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Re: Indian,moving abroad, advice with naturalisation applica

Post by sushstar » Mon May 05, 2014 6:08 pm

Hi! Curious to know if this worked for you... I'm the wife of a British citizen and have applied for citizenship. However, he has just been offered a job in the Middle East and hence we will have to relocate. Wonder if you knew what would happen yo my application? And if we move from our current accommodation, will my application continue to be processed? And how would I then undertake acquiring a passport or would I travel back on my Indian passport to the UAE and apply for a British passport there? Any insight would be so helpful!
