by robdor » Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:41 pm
I am a 61 year old Britsih citizen, my wife is Israeli with a Ukranian passport.
I was receiving Contribution Based ESA until it was stopped due to a Medical Assessment on 22ND OCTOBER 2012 since when I have received no ESA. I do receive a very small private pension but as this is below £85 per week it does not affect my ESA.
My wife's status is FLR and she has been in part time employment since April 2012 working 28 hours per week on or about the minimum wage.
I had been receiving COUNCIL TAX BENEFIT but today it has been stopped due to a change in my circumstances, they say they were unaware of my wife's employment, this is untrue as I have spoken to them and sent them photocopies of my wife's pay slip.
They asked, quote, " Please tell us the date your wife started work and provide proof of her wages from this date". The only way they could have known my wife was in employment is because they already knew and are now saying they were not informed.
In the same letter they ask me to provide proof of any other income I may receive from 02/03/13 when my contribution based ESA will end?
I wrote to them on the 29th OCTOBER 2012 to tell them my ESA had been stopped and since then my cirtcumstances have not changed.
Their policy is deliberate, the burden of proof lies always with the defendent and they will never admit to making mistakes.
I am legally entitled to £71 PW and for 20 weeks I have received nothing.
My wife's gross monthly wage is £196 before tax and NI deductions.
I am not trying to circumvent the system , I understand my wife is not entitled to public funds but as UK citizen I am.
To summarise, can I claim council tax benefit on the basis of the information I have given not forgetting that I have received no ESA for over 20 weeks?
I am a UK citizen, my wife is Isreali whose status is Further Leave to Remain.