My wife is a Ukrainian national, I am a British citizen, and both reside in Germany, my wife holds a German residency card together with full european rights.
We recently submitted an application for a visit to the UK in order to visit family, for a 2 week period.
An application was made online, complete with payments etc, and sent via the UK boarder agencies visa agent in Dusselsorf Germany, the application was filled out fully and truthfully however aside from a copy of my wifes German residency card no other supporting documents were provided, as we deemed this a pretty clear cut case....
The visa application also holds a declaration, that the assessing officer may contact any of the named persons within the application for verification, in this case myself as her husband, and my father, our destination.
Perhaps it was naive of us to omit supporting documents, however as a European country has already checked certain details (in this case Germany), it seems sensible to me that a differing Euro nation should then treat this person as a euro citizen.... especially as she is granted euro rights within Germany, and hold an ID / residency permit for this country.
I find it difficult to fully understand the UK boarders website, but as an appeals form was not provided with the refusal documents, it seems that an appeal cannot be made... however on the same website it does state that dependents or family of British citizens are entitled to an appeal.....
At this time we are both very angry, the whole process was very expensive and time consuming, only to be rejected.... I served the UK in the Army for years, and now they deny my wife access for a short visit... it disheartens me..

Any assistance or ideas ??