Hi there, I'm seeking some clarification on what is counted, discounted and needed for a fiance or proposed civil partner application. I am a UK resident and currently in receipt of carers allowance as my son is on the autistic spectrum and cannot attend full time education. This also entitles me to some income support and housing/council tax benefits, I am also in receipt of maintenance for him as well as child benefit, and my son was awarded DLA at middle rate care and low rate mobility.
I have worked out that the carers allowance makes me exempt from the £18,600 income requirement, BUT there is still a minimum weekly amount required to maintain and accommodate. Would my sons DLA be taken into account on top of the carers allowance, maintenance and child benefit in counting up my income? I am going on the assumption that income support and housing/council tax benefits then be stopped if he was moving in with me.
My partner is from India and has been working on contract in the UK for the last year on a tier2 sponsored visa but that ends this month and he is struggling to find either a contract or permanent position before his visa runs out. We have been discussing getting married for a while, but I am completely confused as to the best way for us to go about this, should he leave the country first? Can he then come back and look for work or does he need to find the employment first? If he leaves and applies for the fiance visa does that allow him back straight away? I read someplace about him not being allowed back for 12 months if he leaves?
Sorry for so many questions in one thread [/b]