by cs95tdg » Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:18 pm
You haven't provided sufficient information to answer the question on whether you are eligible for ILR or not.
It would help if you provided the following to begin:
1) EC date,
2) Date of first entry,
3) Subsequent LTR/FLR application and approval dates along with immigration categories.
Additionally do also state the dates relavent to the 6 month gap you speak of, and the reason for that gap. Do you know what your immigration status was during that time period?
Regarding your second question, that statement would not apply to you as the application you are making now is after July 2012.
An "In-Time" ILR application is one where you apply for ILR before your current leave to remain in the UK expires. The statement indicates that before July 2012, you were allowed to make a late application (even after your current LTR had expired) for ILR under long residence.