I am about to approach the registry to register my intention to get married to my hearthrob who is a British citizen . I am worried to death that UKBA might show up on my wedding day , as it seems they are not only targeting sham weddings these days , they seem to be targeting overstayers / illegals getting married ( whether or not its a sham marriage) . I phones up one of the registries in London , and one of their staff actually told me that all councils work hand-in-hand with UKBA , and that each council has a dedicated UKBA staff who comes in everyday to liase with them . So my fear is that the Registry might notify their dedicated UKBA staff as soon as i present a passport without a valid leave during registration.
I am not sure if i am just beign overly paranoid . I will therefore like to hear true-life experiences of people who have recently registered their marriages at any UK registry .
What did they ask you and your spouse at interview ?
Did they ask about your immigration status?
Did you have to submit some sort of pending application to Home-office just to safe-guard against the UKBA showing up ?
Loads and loads of experiences will really be appreciated from peeps who have been through this stage.
Hoping to hear from you all