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You need to apply as sposue of a settled person . pls check :stitaprajna wrote:Anyone applying for PBS Tier1(general) dependent spouse visa from India?
I also need to apply from India and I feel we can team up.
My situation is my wife has an ILR through Tier1 and she is in the UK.
I am in India. My understanding is that I need to apply for the PBS Tier1(general) dependent spouse. I am not very confident about the what are the various options I need to select in the online application form.
Can we team up? Please respond to this post or send me a private message.
Many thanks.
stitaprajna wrote:This forum has been so useful and I could easily apply for the HSMP just by the guidance from the forum postings.
Now, I need to apply for the spouse visa & I am thinking to take the help of consultant in India.
Can anyone suggest good visa application consultant in India please?
Many thanks.
pennylessinindia wrote:If your circumstances are straightforward you do not need anyone to help you with your application
stitaprajna wrote:My main concern is I am not able to get an answer for the visa type I need to apply for.pennylessinindia wrote:If your circumstances are straightforward you do not need anyone to help you with your application
My situation is:
My wife is in the UK and presently she has an ILR and her most recent permission to stay before she got ILR was tier 1(General).
I am in India and I am planning to apply for a visa to join her.
I am not sure which is the right category, sub category of Visa I need to apply for. I have all the documents and just need to know which category i need to apply. The UK BA site is very confusing with so many nomenclatures without clear definition.
It may be better to consult with someone in the UK.stitaprajna wrote:Can anyone suggest good visa application consultant in India please?
stitaprajna wrote:Can someone please clarify below questions in the online form filling for ILR dependent visa for spouse from India:
1. I have selected "Type of Visa" as "settlement".
For the 'Purpose of application' we have 2 options : settlement and Returning resident.
At this point, we are not sure if we are going to settle there or would like to return. What is the implication of each of these 2 options?
2. I had HSMP but never made use of it or traveled to UK and it expired few years back. What should I fill for:
"Have you made an application to the Home Office to remain in the UK in the last 10 years?"
3. What level of detail is expected for this ? Country and traveled (reached) year is sufficient?
"Please provide details of all your trips abroad in the last 10 years."
Please clarify.
stitaprajna wrote:I am filling vaf4a2.pdf (Appendix 2 for VAF4A) as part of dependent visa as a spouse from India of an ILR holder who is in the UK.
I have a cover letter from the spouse explaining briefly about how we met, our interactions, financial situation, employment details etc.
As an applicant, should I also submit a cover letter? What are the details I should be including ? Some of the details may be duplicate from the sponsors cover letter. Is this fine?
Also, there is one more section in this appendix that requires provides
Guidance for Part 5: Continuation And Additional Information
5.1 Is there any other information you wish to be considered
as part of your application?
Use this section to provide any other further information you wish to
be considered as part of your application/where you have run out of
space elsewhere on this form/where this form has directed you to
provide additional information.
What is the right information to be put in here? Can we repeat some of the info in the cover letter here as well ?
Should we label the photos in the album ? I am just thinking to insert hand-written labels at the beginning of each section - wedding photos, sangeeth photos, reception photos etc.
I am curious about how we should order the documents. How about below ordering :
- Application Form
- Appendices(Sponsorship form, Financial)
- index of the below contents
- Cover letter of applicant
- Cover letter of sponsor
- Original Proofs all together
- Photocopies of each of the originals
I know I have not listed all the docs above but that is there in many other postings.
See also VAF4A-Financial Requirement.E-ECP.2.6 wrote:The relationship between the applicant and their partner must be genuine and subsisting.