I write of my friend. His wife's spouse visa application was refused. My friend, the husband and sponsor loded an appeal at the First-Tier Tribubal using Form IAFT-2. A solicitor was instructed for this process.
My friend has now received notice of hearing. He is considering instruction a different solicitor of OISC Level 3 Immigration Advisor as he has been unhappy with the service received. Up to this date, the solcitor has not provided a copy of the completed form that was lodged at the Tribunal.
My friend sent an email to the Tribunal advising that he is requesting instructing a new solicitor for the hearing and is therefore requesting from the Tribunal a copy of the complted form and any enclosures that were lofged. This is what he received back:
I find it strange that you don't need the signature of the appellant in order to lodge the appeal but in order to know information you do.Thank you for your e-mail.
The Tribunal does not consider a sponsor (authorised or not) a party to the appeal.
If you want to receive all information or make changes relating to the appeal, the appellant must send us signed written notification to the address below, confirming that you are to be nominated as their non-legal representative in connection to their appeal. They must also provide the Tribunal with your current postal address in order for us to update our database accordingly.
Please click on the following link (A guide to completing the IAFT-2 Appeal Form) where you will find information in Section 6 regarding the entitlements of an authorised sponsor.
http://hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/c ... 191211.pdf
What I want to know is what do I need to do in order to instruct a new solicitor for the pending hearing. Is the only way that this can be done by submitting a signed form or letter by my wife (the appellant) confirming the same. If this needs to be done using a form, what is the name of the form.
Any help and advise is fully appreciated.
Many thanks