cappachino wrote:Correct me if I am wrong.
Over the past two months I have noticed the following:
1. Visa officers are reluctant and usually come up with a reason to refuse when money used for investment is in someone elses account
2. More than one person is applying although two are allowed to apply together
3. Person is unable to show where and how the money came to him and if it is lent to him why is it being lent to him and when will it be returned and how
4. No experience or business back ground
5. Never visited uk in the past
Most of the above are noticed on the out of uk on teir 1 - (200000 pound) applicants
So what do you guys think?
1)Visa officers are paid to do a job, where they are authorized to reject a case they want to,based on various reasons under one or another clause.
2) No probs if two apply, the option is there whoever sees fit, can act the way they want to do it, sole or team mate both are fine this does not push your case to refusal.
3)Applicant can tell about where the money came from, whats the harm in telling?
4)A lot of entrepreneurs are young and not experienced, smart enough to think the ways around the problems and innovative enough to attract customer works. being old enough to have experience does not necessarily mean that only than can you thrive.
5) There's always a first time for every thing, they can not reject you for not visiting UK before.
I don't know where you noticed the above, think positive, If you are destined to have a visa, no one can stop you, but only you can help your self.